My almost two year old just LOVED Elmo so I knew it would be a great birthday party theme for his second birthday. I wanted to really get creative and make it fun for him, but it's hard when you work full time. I had to see what I could come up with and fit into my schedule and get it all done by Saturday afternoon! Yikes...
My Elmo Cupcakes (instructions below)
So how am I going to make a few dozen Elmo cupcakes and get ready to host a party for 45 people between Friday night and Saturday afternoon? Find short cuts! I tried to call a few cupcake places but they wanted to charge a few dollars for each cupcake. That was going to be way too expensive so I searched the Internet for inspiration. I got creative with candy and things to make Elmo's face and viola!
I ordered cupcakes from Kroger (yes Kroger) with red, grass frosting only. I think they charged about $6.99 per dozen. Then I got marsh mellows for the eyes and cut them in half. I used black jelly-belli's to make the black part of the eyes by cutting them in half with a sharp knife and wetting my finger and wetting the marsh mellow so they would stick in place. I used orange large gumdrops for the nose and I had Elmo's face.
My son LOVED the Elmo faces on the cupcakes. It only took about 30 minutes to assemble these. Everyone thought I baked them too...I kept the secret to myself!